Group leader Michelle Linterman joined the Nine to Noon show on Radio New Zealand to discuss her research on ageing, the immune system and vaccination.
Ian Sample writes about the new stem cell rejuvenation method developed in the Reik lab.
Andy Martin asks the question: Who wants to live forever?
Michelle Linterman interviewed on her important COVID-19 research in mice by Cambridge Independent editor Paul Brackley.
Michelle Linterman talks to Medicine Maker reporter Stephanie Sutton about her drug repurposing findings.
Business Weekly report on how proof of concept funding from the European Research Council will support research into how to harness the power of the immune system to treat brain injury.
Paul Brackley, editor of the Cambridge Independent, explores what recent research published by the Linterman lab might mean for healthy ageing.
Paul Brackley, editor of the Cambridge Independent, shared the 果酱视频's recently published research on how a tiny nematode worm called C. elegans can help us learn more about the process of human ageing.
Uterus age may affect pregnancy success