

Campus view

The ¹û½´ÊÓƵ's Green Labs initiative was established in response to the climate crisis and ecological emergency, to reduce the environmental footprint of our research, and other work-related activities.

We aim to reduce emissions and pollution, enhance nature and biodiversity across campus and raise awareness of environmental issues, and their solutions, among staff and the wider community.

To provide a framework for action, we participate in the sustainability scheme (SOS-UK), alongside Babraham Research Campus Ltd (BRC) and eight campus companies. We take actions in a diverse range of areas, including energy use, waste, water, transport, procurement, finance, food, engagement, nature and biodiversity.

The ¹û½´ÊÓƵ received the Platinum Award for Green Impact in 2023 and 2024, with more than 100 individual sustainability actions completed by staff in each cycle.

Silver grey rectangular logo with the text Green Impact Platinum award


Catch up with the latest projects and news from Green Labs in the .


  • Energy efficiency: The ¹û½´ÊÓƵ installed a Trigeneration system for Combined Cooling, Heat and Power. In three years, this has saved over 2500 tonnes of CO2 emissions and over £1.3m.
  • ‘Chill up’: we have ~40 ultralow temperature freezers, each one using around the same amount of energy as two households per day. We’re racking these freezers and shifting from -80°C to -70°C, to save around 15-25% in energy use.
  • Switch off: we encourage staff to switch off computers, centrifuges, tissue culture hoods and other equipment when not in use (e.g. overnight, weekends, holidays).


  • The autoclaves in our animal facility were retrofitted with a system that uses recirculating chilled water when condensing steam, saving approximately 32,000L of softened water per week.

Community actions:

  • Participated in the creation of the Babraham Forest Garden
  • Supporting Babraham Primary School Eco Squad (e.g. LESS CO2 scheme, litter picking events)
  • Planted 1000 native hedge plants with ¹û½´ÊÓƵ staff and local school children


  • We strive to promote more sustainable practice in other areas (e.g. catering), but still have much more to do.


  • Reduce: our centralised Stores significantly reduces transport and packaging impacts by consolidating orders and shipments.
  • Reuse: We participate in the UniGreen Scheme for equipment reuse.
  • Recycling: we recycle a wide range of materials and compost animal house waste.
  • We recently established a new waste stream for plastic media bottles (~45,000/year!) and are keen to identify many more new opportunities for reuse and recycling.


  • ¹û½´ÊÓƵ staff and students have access to the to support greener transport.
  • Electric vehicle charge points are available on site (more to come soon)
  • Cycle paths and facilities are also available
  • We encourage staff to avoid flying where possible (especially short haul) and commit to carbon offset unavoidable conference flights


  • Giving regular talks to other scientists and community groups (e.g. University of Dundee for COP26, The Crick ¹û½´ÊÓƵ, CRG Barcelona)
  • Participating in workshops and panel discussions
  • Sharing information with sustainability groups at a wide range of other institutes
Book covers

Useful links

Sustainability in the lab/workplace:

Sustainability - learning more:


We take no responsibility for content on these external links


Sustainability at home - taking action: