

Open Access
Iyer DP, Khoei HH, van der Weijden VA, Kagawa H, Pradhan SJ, Novatchkova M, McCarthy A, Rayon T, Simon CS, Dunkel I, Wamaitha SE, Elder K, Snell P, Christie L, Schulz EG, Niakan KK, Rivron N, Bulut-Karslio臒lu A Epigenetics, Signalling

Many mammals can temporally uncouple conception from parturition by pacing down their development around the blastocyst stage. In mice, this dormant state is achieved by decreasing the activity of the growth-regulating mTOR signaling pathway. It is unknown whether this ability is conserved in mammals in general and in humans in particular. Here, we show that decreasing the activity of the mTOR signaling pathway induces human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and blastoids to enter a dormant state with limited proliferation, developmental progression, and capacity to attach to endometrial cells. These in聽vitro assays show that, similar to other species, the ability to enter dormancy is active in human cells around the blastocyst stage and is reversible at both functional and molecular levels. The pacing of human blastocyst development has potential implications for reproductive therapies.

+view abstract Cell, PMID: 39332412 18 Sep 2024

Open Access
Azzi C, Rayon T Signalling, Epigenetics

Temporal control is central to deploy and coordinate genetic programs during development. At present, there is limited understanding of the molecular mechanisms that govern the duration and speed of developmental processes. Timing mechanisms may run in parallel and/or interact with each other to integrate temporal signals throughout the organism. In this piece, we consider findings on the extrinsic control of developmental tempo and discuss the intrinsic roles of cell cycle, metabolic rates, protein turnover, and post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation of tempo during neural development.

+view abstract Current opinion in genetics & development, PMID: 38648722 21 Apr 2024

Open Access
Nakanoh S, Sham K, Ghimire S, Mohorianu I, Rayon T, Vallier L Signalling, Epigenetics

Mechanisms specifying amniotic ectoderm and surface ectoderm are unresolved in humans due to their close similarities in expression patterns and signal requirements. This lack of knowledge hinders the development of protocols to accurately model human embryogenesis. Here, we developed a human pluripotent stem cell model to investigate the divergence between amniotic and surface ectoderms. In the established culture system, cells differentiated into functional amnioblast-like cells. Single-cell RNA sequencing analyses of amnioblast differentiation revealed an intermediate cell state with enhanced surface ectoderm gene expression. Furthermore, when the differentiation started at the confluent condition, cells retained the expression profile of surface ectoderm. Collectively, we propose that human amniotic ectoderm and surface ectoderm are specified along a common nonneural ectoderm trajectory based on cell density. Our culture system also generated extraembryonic mesoderm-like cells from the primed pluripotent state. Together, this study provides an integrative understanding of the human nonneural ectoderm development and a model for embryonic and extraembryonic human development around gastrulation.

+view abstract Science advances, PMID: 38427729 Mar 2024

Open Access
Rayon T Epigenetics, Signalling

An overview on the molecular and metabolic mechanisms behind individual cell differences in developmental timing in the segmentation clock and the central nervous system.

+view abstract Science advances, PMID: 36888707 10 Mar 2023

Rayon T, van den Ameele J Signalling, Epigenetics

In preprint

+view abstract Development (Cambridge, England), PMID: 36515644 15 Dec 2022

Rayon T, Maizels RJ, Barrington C, Briscoe J Epigenetics

The spinal cord receives input from peripheral sensory neurons and controls motor output by regulating muscle innervating motor neurons. These functions are carried out by neural circuits comprising molecularly distinct neuronal subtypes generated in a characteristic spatiotemporal arrangement from progenitors in the embryonic neural tube. To gain insight into the diversity and complexity of cells in the developing human neural tube, we used single-cell mRNA sequencing to profile cervical and thoracic regions in four human embryos of Carnegie stages (CS) CS12, CS14, CS17 and CS19 from gestational weeks 4-7. Analysis of progenitor and neuronal populations from the neural tube and dorsal root ganglia identified dozens of distinct cell types and facilitated the reconstruction of the differentiation pathways of specific neuronal subtypes. Comparison with mouse revealed overall similarity of mammalian neural tube development while highlighting some human-specific features. These data provide a catalogue of gene expression and cell type identity in the human neural tube that will support future studies of sensory and motor control systems. The data can be explored at https://shiny.crick.ac.uk/scviewer/neuraltube/.

+view abstract Development, PMID: 34351410 01 Aug 2021

Rayon T, Briscoe J Epigenetics

Time is inherent to biological processes. It determines the order of events and the speed at which they take place. However, we still need to refine approaches to measure the course of time in biological systems and understand what controls the pace of development. Here, we argue that the comparison of biological processes across species provides molecular insight into the timekeeping mechanisms in biology. We discuss recent findings and the open questions in the field and highlight the use of systems as tools to investigate cell-autonomous control as well as the coordination of temporal mechanisms within tissues. Further, we discuss the relevance of studying tempo for tissue transplantation, homeostasis and lifespan.

+view abstract Interface focus, PMID: 34055305 06 Jun 2021

Rayon T, Stamataki D, Perez-Carrasco R, Garcia-Perez L, Barrington C, Melchionda M, Exelby K, Lazaro J, Tybulewicz VLJ, Fisher EMC, Briscoe J Epigenetics

Although many molecular mechanisms controlling developmental processes are evolutionarily conserved, the speed at which the embryo develops can vary substantially between species. For example, the same genetic program, comprising sequential changes in transcriptional states, governs the differentiation of motor neurons in mouse and human, but the tempo at which it operates differs between species. Using in vitro directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells to motor neurons, we show that the program runs more than twice as fast in mouse as in human. This is not due to differences in signaling, nor the genomic sequence of genes or their regulatory elements. Instead, there is an approximately two-fold increase in protein stability and cell cycle duration in human cells compared with mouse cells. This can account for the slower pace of human development and suggests that differences in protein turnover play a role in interspecies differences in developmental tempo.

+view abstract Science, PMID: 32943498 18 09 2020

Menchero S, Rollan I, Lopez-Izquierdo A, Andreu MJ, Sainz de Aja J, Kang M, Adan J, Benedito R, Rayon T, Hadjantonakis AK, Manzanares M Epigenetics

The Notch signalling pathway plays fundamental roles in diverse developmental processes in metazoans, where it is important in driving cell fate and directing differentiation of various cell types. However, we still have limited knowledge about the role of Notch in early preimplantation stages of mammalian development, or how it interacts with other signalling pathways active at these stages such as Hippo. By using genetic and pharmacological tools in vivo, together with image analysis of single embryos and pluripotent cell culture, we have found that Notch is active from the 4-cell stage. Transcriptomic analysis in single morula identified novel Notch targets, such as early na茂ve pluripotency markers or transcriptional repressors such as TLE4. Our results reveal a previously undescribed role for Notch in driving transitions during the gradual loss of potency that takes place in the early mouse embryo prior to the first lineage decisions.

+view abstract eLife, PMID: 30958266 08 04 2019